Easy Cold Press Coffee
How to make you own Easy Cold Press Coffee!
Prep Time
Cook Time
Prep Time
Cook Time
  • 12tbsp Whole Coffee Beansextra strong
  • 3litres Filtered Water
  1. Lay out sheet of material to be used for coffee bag. Piece needs to be about 50cm x 50cm.
  2. Place 6 tablespoons of coffee into grinder and grind into rough grind. Pour into middle of material sheet.
  3. Repeat for other 6 tablespoons
  4. Wrap coffee into tight ball and seal with rubber band.
  5. Tie piece of twine around ball and trap between lid and rim of jar holding 3L of water.
  6. Leave in fridge for 12 hours then remove coffee and serve.
Recipe Notes

Servicing Suggestion: Serve on some ice, a dash of milk give a more ‘traditional’ milky iced-coffee style drink if you prefer!